on Christmas eve a girl named Katie and a boy named teddy, Katie was 10 and teddy was 14 they always had Christmas they loved Christmas until there dad died. Katie was making a video how teddy is so mean to hear teddy heard her talking about him, of cause he started teasing her by making her chase him around the house then there mum stooped them.
there mum had to go to sadly, when she went teddy was going out with his friends then Katie asked to come with he said no but she secretly came with him and video tape him stealing a car she was surprised he can drive after he went home, Katie was in his room teddy told her get out but why did you steal he said you cant prove it she i got it all on tape he started chasing her but did not keep so he up and crashed in to mum Katie asked mum are you are OK "yes" Mum said why were you fighting Katie said because he pushed me in the wall then Mum went to work again she said sorry Katie said your welcome then they were going to sleep they heard a "ho ho ho" Katie woke teddy up saying Santa is here they went out side and saw his slay Katie went in the slay then teddy they saw santa giving presents.